Computer Science & Engineering

Department of Computer Science and Engineering takes special efforts to impart learning ability for the students. The students are focused with the use of conceptual understanding of core domain area in Computing as well as enhanced programming skills disseminating their analytical abilities. The faculties of our department are well qualified and have rich knowledge in their subjects. In order to update their knowledge The staff members are deputed to undergo training in the latest topics.

Electronics and Communication engineering

This course aims to prepare students for developing their careers in the field of “Electronics and Communication engineering”. Digital Signal Processing in telecommunication has seen explosive growth during the past two decades, as phenomenal advances both in the research and application have been made. Advances in digital computer technology and software development have been the Motivating factors for this growth.

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. This field covers a range of areas including power, electronics, control systems, signal processing and telecommunications. Electrical engineering is considered to deal with the problems associated with large-scale electrical systems such as power transmission and motor control, whereas electronic engineering deals with the study of small-scale electronic systems including computers and integrated circuits. Electrical engineers are usually concerned with using electricity to transmit energy, while electronic engineers are concerned with using electricity to transmit information.

Information Science & Engineering

The department has modern laboratories to serve the teaching and research needs of the students as well as faculty members. The Department has been organizing conferences, workshops, expert lectures and student centric activities to encourage students and faculty to instil lifelong learning. Few of our students are working for consultancy projects along with few faculty members.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Ensure career success with Engineering Degree in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning. Artificial intelligence is a rapidly growing field that is garnering a ton of attention from students and professionals. Artificial Intelligence at BCET presents a solid foundation in the principles and technologies that underlie many facets of AI, including logic, knowledge representation, probabilistic models, and machine learning.

Master in Business Administration (MBA)

Completing an MBA program allows you to know about the awareness of a Global Market. An MBA can help to improve your verbal and written communication skills, allowing you to successfully convey concepts to different people at different levels of an organization to ensure everyone are able to work together toward a common goal. You’ll also have the opportunity to build relationships with other professionals in the classroom and beyond Employers typically look to hire or promote a candidate with an MBA because they have skills in marketing and finance that others within the organization may lack. Getting an MBA can help you manage your time effectively, which is not only an in-demand skill among employers, but a valuable life skill, as well.